accounting rate of return — ➔ return1 * * * accounting rate of return UK US noun [C] (plural accounting rates of return) (ABBREVIATION ARR) ACCOUNTING ► the amount of money you invest in a project divided by the amount of profit you expect to get from it. Accounting rates … Financial and business terms
Accounting Rate of Return - ARR — ARR provides a quick estimate of a project s worth over its useful life. ARR is derived by finding profits before taxes and interest. ARR is an accounting method used for purposes of comparison. The major drawbacks of ARR are that it uses profit… … Investment dictionary
accounting rate of return — ARR An accounting ratio that expresses the profit of an organization before interest and taxation, usually for a year, as a percentage of the capital employed at the end of the period. Variants of the measure include using profit after interest… … Accounting dictionary
accounting rate of return — ARR An accounting ratio that expresses the profit of an organization before interest and taxation, usually for a year, as a percentage of the capital employed at the end of the period. Variants of the measure include using profit after interest… … Big dictionary of business and management
accounting rate — Cost per traffic unit used to establish international telecommunications accounts and tariffs … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
rate of return — The annual income earned from the investment of resources in a commercial or economic activity, usually expressed as a percentage of the original investment. In a discounted cash flow appraisal, for example, the rate of return may be expressed as … Accounting dictionary
Accounting for leases in the United States — is regulated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).Accounting for leases by the lesseeA lease is defined as a contractual agreement between a lessor and lessee that gives the lessee the right to use specific property, either owned by … Wikipedia
rate of depreciation — ˌrate of depreciˈation noun [countable] ACCOUNTING the rate at which an asset is calculated to go down in value each year, especially in the annual accounts for a business; = DEPRECIATION RATE: • The rate of depreciation slows down significantly… … Financial and business terms
Учетный (расчетный) коэффициент окупаемости (ACCOUNTING RATE OF RETURN) — Отношение суммы прибыли за период к усредненной стоимости инвестиций, произведенных в течение этого периода Важно, что учетный коэффициент окупаемости оценивается по фактическому доходу, а не по дисконтированным потокам денежных средств … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
accounting — /euh kown ting/, n. 1. the theory and system of setting up, maintaining, and auditing the books of a firm; art of analyzing the financial position and operating results of a business house from a study of its sales, purchases, overhead, etc.… … Universalium
Accounting technician — An accounting technician is a professional who keeps financial accounts for all types of business. Most accounting technicians also help qualified accountants by preparing financial information. This designation is employed in many countries and… … Wikipedia